TBSC committee
These are the current members of the TBSC committee and the duties they hold.
If you're not sure who you need to talk to, then please CLICK HERE and someone will get back to you.

Barry Sheffield - Commodore is the principal Flag Officer, sets a direction for the club and is responsible for the organisation and management of the Club. The Commodore chairs the General Committee meetings.
- Provides and encourages leadership for all club activities
- Chairs General Committee meetings
- Represents the club at Official functions
- Ensures that the Club is run according to its Rules and Constitution
- Reports to the Club Trustees as required
- Chairs, and provides a report at the AGM
- Leads the Annual prize-giving
- Oversees the effective management of the club website and any associated social media sites

Brett Bircham - Vice Commodore is second in command, is a Flag Officer and is responsible for the organisation and management of the sailing side, and associated aspects of the Club.
- Chairs the Sailing Committee
- Represents the Club at Official functions in the absence of the Commodore
- Provides and encourages leadership in the club's sailing activities
- Attends the General Committee meetings providing a report on sailing issues
- Provides a report to the AGM
- Ensures all sailing is run according to the Sailing Rules as amended by the club's own sailing rules
- Oversees the production and implementation of the Sailing and Training Programme and the associated duty rosters
- Oversees the management of club (sailing) boats

James Hills - Rear Commodore is third in command, is a Flag Officer and is responsible for the organisation and management of all the land-based aspects of the Club.
- Chairs the House Committee
- Represents the Club at Official functions when both the Commodore and Vice Commodore are absent
- Attends the General Committee meetings providing a report on House issues
- Responsibility for the Club premises, maintenance and decoration
- Responsibility for boat parking and storage of members equipment
- Oversees the management of social activities of the club
- Oversees the management of the bar, galley and club cleaning
- Oversees the management of club power boats
- Acts as the point of contact for use of the club facilities

Graham Alderman - Honorary Secretary is an Officer and is responsible for all club records, maintaining all club legal documentation, be it rates, licences, rules or health & safety etc. as well as organising and taking minutes of General Committee and General Meetings. Is the point of contact for club correspondence from outside agencies.
- Sends and receives official correspondence on behalf of the Club
- Attends the General Committee meetings
- Produces the agenda for the General Committee meetings
- Takes and distributes minutes of the General Committee meetings
- Sends out notices of the AGM and EGMs to club members
- Produces the agenda and takes minutes for the AGM and any EGMs
- Ensures that disciplinary processes are conducted within the Club's rules
- As required, commissions updates to the Club's Policy Statements and Procedures for General Committee approval
Email: honorarysecretary@tbsc.co.uk

Mags Greenway - Honorary Treasurer is an Officer and is responsible for all club finances and the submission of any legal documents required by law
- Maintains all club accounts to an auditable standard
- Provides an appraisal of the club’s finances at each General Committee meeting
- Arranges timely payment of invoices
- Raises invoices as required and ensures receipt of payment
- Banks payments received by the Club
- Reconciles the bank account with the accounts
- Monitors the club accounts
- Presents the annual accounts at the AGM
- Makes recommendations on subscription rates to the AGM
- Has overall responsibility on membership matters

Pete Blake - Honorary Sailing Secretary is an Officer responsible for recommending the sailing programme and once approved ensuring that appropriate membership support is organised (Race Office & Support Boat duty) to facilitate the event/s.
- Reports to the Vice Commodore
- Produces the Sailing Programme for the Club sailing activities
- Attends Sailing Committee meetings
- Produces the agenda for Sailing Committee meetings
- Allocation of race office and support boat duties
- Responsible for maintaining race result records
- In conjunction with the Sailing Committee arranges awards and trophies for thre annula prize giving
- Acts as the point of contact for other sailing clubs on sailing issues
- Maintains results of all club and Open racing
- Publishes results of racing on the Club website
- Leads mono-hull classes actively engaging and liaising with all participants
- Promotes and encourages the class, it's owners, helms and crew
Bar Manager and Social Secretary is responsible for the provisioning, staffing, security and profitability of the bar and catering operation as well as being responsible for the establishment of an annual club social programme.
- Reports to the Rear Commodore
- Manages the running of the bar and galley
- Maintains sufficient stock levels
- Maintains hygiene standards within the bar and its equipment
- In conjunction with the Honorary Treasurer, ensures that bar/galley/cleaning receipts and payments are properly accounted for
- Ensuring catering complies with legal and regulatory requirements
- Manages club cleaning
- Produces and oversees a social programme that integrates into the sailing programme
- Overall management of club merchandise
- Clubroom booking

Ian Mills - Membership Secretary
- Reports to the Honorary Treasurer
- Informs the Honorary Treasurer of any applications for new members
- Distributes membership and boat/equipment storage renewal notices
- Receives membership subscriptions and liaises with the Honorary Treasurer to ensure accounts match membership records
- Maintains accurate and up to date membership and contact records for members and non-members in The club's administration system(s)

Steve Hamblin - Assistant Sailing Secretary
- Reports to and deputises for the Honorary Sailing Secretary
- Supports the creation and management of the sailing and training calendar
- Member of the sailing committee
- Supports the management of the duty roster and race results
- Arranges events, such as training, ad-hoc meets, etc.

Rob MacDonald - Multihull Representative
- Reports to the Honorary Sailing Secretary
- Leads multihull classes actively engaging and liaising with all participants
- Promotes and encourages the classes, its owners, helms and crew
- Arranges events, such as training, ad-hoc meets, etc.
- Attend Sailing Committee meetings

Guy Grundon - Cadet Rep – supports the General Committee and the club’s commitment to youth development.
- Reports to the Honorary Sailing Secretary
- Works with the General Committee to supports sailing, training and social activities that promote youth and cadet involvement
- Liaising with the Sailing Secretary to input Cadet Club / cadet races / cadet sailing opportunities to the sailing calendar.
- Attending and providing written or verbal report to the General Committee meetings as and when required.