Tankerton Bay Sailing Club - Kent

Alex Holliday Trust

The Alex Holliday Trust is a TBSC scholarship scheme that was founded in memory of Alex Holliday.

The Holliday family were enthusiastic members of TBSC. Alex Holliday was a cadet and loved sailing. Tragically, Alex passed away whilst on a school trip to Cuba. In his memory, his parents requested donations to each of his beloved sports clubs. After careful consideration, TBSC concluded that the funds received should go to perpetuating Alex’s passion for sailing, forming the Alex Holliday Trust in 2018.

Alex was a pupil at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School in Faversham and the scholarship scheme selects a pupil in Year 9 from the school every year (excluding 2020 and 2021 due to COVID restrictions) to become a full honorary cadet member for the sailing season. The scheme includes training to RYA Level 1 in dinghy sailing and the use of Club dinghies and equipment. Since 2018, the scholarship scheme has supported four pupils, which have progressed to become competent sailors and recognised for their contribution to the Club. 

The Alex Holliday Trust is a highly valued scheme at TBSC, both in memory of Alex and in its ability to offer additional sailing opportunities to young people. Sarah and Mike Holliday (Alex's parents) are involved in the annual award to new cadets.

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